Friday, April 18, 2008

weight issues

I believe that you should not be too worried about the actual number of your weight. If you look good, then there is no reason to stress about the numbers. In some cases, yes weight matters if it is affecting your health. These “ideal” weights that are accepted are not for every person. Everyone is an individual, with individual shapes, and individual needs. There is not a chart that can tell you exactly what is appropriate for you. The key is to be healthy, maintain a good weight, and live an active lifestyle. It is a common myth that college means you are going to gain weight. There is the ever so popular “freshman fifteen” that everyone speaks about. News flash, I am a freshman, soon to be sophomore and I certainly have not gained fifteen pounds while in college, if anything I have lost about ten. Do not listen to the fads or compare yourself to celebrity bodies. If you are discouraged, do not concentrate on simply losing weight or looking a certain way. Find some healthy changes you can make and focus on balanced, realistic ways to improve your self image. These small changes can actually have a significant effect on your body.

1 comment:

raumkunstler said...

hey morgan, i know this is not the right place, but could you please send me your email address? I tried to contact you by writing a christmas letter but didnt hear anything back and i lost your email adres. greetings from germany, saskia