Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I don’t give a shit if this stupid blog is gonna turn into two hundred words because I am so angry right now.. I am exhausted, and totally ready to be asleep. Out of sight, out of mind. But I thought to myself, self, you should write a blog since you haven’t written any this week and I know I’ll be annoyed if I have to do them all at once. So I set out to write a blog, and it was a pretty good one too.. on the concept of colors and how we actually see reflected light and what not.. I was so close to the end, and I was going to highlight something, and somehow my jack ass computer high lighted the entire blog, EXCEPT THE FIRST WORD, and then continued to delete my entire post. This is just not my week. This whole week has been some crap. I’ve been ready for it to have been over since Monday.. that is pretty sad isn’t it? I am also slightly annoyed at my finger nails, because its time for them to be re done, and they are too long so it is making it feel really odd and uncomfortable to type.. that is probably half the problem.

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