Tuesday, January 29, 2008

filthy strip clubs?

So since we are now supposed to write about the Memphis blogs, I got on it tonight to read a couple. Most of them were sort of boring to me, mostly because I took a tylenol PM to help me go to bed about an hour ago. I think that is really starting to kick in. Anyway I was reading the blog "Bring Back Whitehaven" and I scrolled down to the article about strip clubs and found some interesting topics of debate. I had no idea that next month the Shelby County Commission is going to discuss ending the sale and consumption of alcohol inside these nasty clubs. They seem to think if they limit the sale of alcohol that these business owners wouldn't be able to operate. This is something that I am against. I am certainly not pro-strip club life, but by limiting their means of income, I think the county would be violating their rights as U. S Citizens. They should not be forced out of having such a business. That is a moral issue, and since we all have our own morals, that is something that should be left up to the individual. If one individual wants to engage in that activity, then it should be available. If you don’t like it, don’t go and just go one with your daily activities. Now one point that they brought up that I really agreed on is having some type of certification. A kind of certification that involves an annual criminal background checks so that strippers can no longer be prostitutes or people that have been convicted of any other serious crime. The certification would go for the club owners as well to keep any citizens convicted of a crime out of the business. To me, this is a very smart decision. I think it would reduce a lot of drug related crimes and illegal activities at strip clubs.. don’t you?

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